Web Links

Web Links IconBelow are some website links that may be of interest...

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Youngsville Chamber of CommerceSecure website Join online: YoungsvilleChamber.com

Ernest Gallet Elementary School Elementary School Grades K-5th
Youngsville Middle School Middle School Grades 6th-8th
Southside High SchoolSecure website High School Grades 9th-12th

Youngsville Sports Complex Youngsville Sports Complex (337) 857-6804

Louisiana State Police Louisiana State Police
Wildlife & Fisheries Wildlife & Fisheries - (337) 948-0257
Youngsville City Hall Youngsville City Hall - (337) 856-4181
Youngsville Police Dept. Youngsville Police Dept. - (337) 856-5931

Southlake Plantation Facebook Facebook

Centerpoint Energy Gas Service
LA One Call Call 811 before you dig!
Milton Water Water provider - (337) 856-6206
Recycle Recycle - (337) 234-0066
SlemcoSecure website Electricity & Street Lights - (337) 896-5384

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